Friday, November 1, 2013


Welcome to a blog for MAKER MOM'S 
(Mother's Of Invention)

I'd like to fill this blog with helpful tools for being a Maker Mom. 

The most important website/group/family for us has been MAKE. I can not stress enough how much your Young Maker will enjoy attending a Maker Faire.  I had no idea of how to help my son until we attended Maker Faire in San Matteo. Maker Faire was a wonderful eye opening experience for me too. My son would talk about all kinds of electronics, electronic words etc. My husband and I had no idea what he was talking about, didn't really know if he even knew. We found that, yes, we had no idea what he was talking about..but HE DID. After the first night our son told us he was SMART! He was so proud of himself and had found friends and people that understood him.
The rest you can say is history. We have gone to Maker Faire's every summer since.